Digital City Powered by FoxNet

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We are excited to announce our new initiative: Digital City powered by FoxNet.

Digital City powered by FoxNet is a platform that is designed to bring the tech and business communities closer together by connecting their applications in local, Canada-only and global private cloud environments. Because the geographic location of your data makes it susceptible to that nation’s laws, storing it in local / Canada only servers will allow companies to keep their data safe and private. This means that employees will be able to access information remotely through a private cloud while maintaining a secure network environment.

FoxNet will provide a full range of services to support data centres, networks, monitoring, helpdesks, application support and managed services. To support these offerings, FoxNet can install high-speed connections, security capabilities, VLAN environments, printing services and BigData Cloud Services.

The FoxNet team understands the impact that technology has on businesses every day, so the FoxNet IT systems are designed to cater to your organization’s business needs.

“The need for organizations to use cloud services, big data services, off site backup, disaster recovery and integration into the “Internet of Things” is increasing. The challenge for many organizations is the cost of internet transit fees, internet bandwidth and volume limitations, which inhibits companies, especially startup groups, from leveraging many of these highly functional capabilities,” says Martin Parrest, Service Delivery Manager at FoxNet.

“The Digital City powered by FoxNet provides high-speed, high-volume capabilities in a private network / LAN extension environment so organizations are able to cost effectively leverage these environments to drive into the next generation capabilities.”

Stay tuned for future announcements about Digital City powered by FoxNet as our platform continues to grow.

Interested in learning more? Contact your FoxNet client manager or visit our website.

